The government bank based job circular has been issued for the year 2020, so everyone is thinking how to give preference order. Once this preference is given, there is no way to change it. So everyone should think about the facilities of different banks and give preference.
How to Choose Govt Banks for Career in Banking under Banker Selection Committee - Advantages and Disadvantages
Sonali Bank Limited Benefits: They have the same facilities as gold. Again, the workload is higher than the benefits. You will get incentive bonus 3/4 hours every year, besides there are opportunities to take computer loan, motorcycle loan, car loan, house building loan. The biggest advantage that is not really an advantage is that if you work in this bank you will get a special respect in the marriage market starting from family, relatives, relatives and friends which is not available in any other government bank.
Disadvantages: The workload is very high, you may not even get a chance to see what's going on outside your desk. Promotion is currently slow.
Benefits of Janata Bank Limited: The work pressure is comparatively less than that of Sonali Bank, other facilities are the same as Sonali.
Disadvantages: Due to the recent increase in the amount of defaulted loans, the bank is trying to turn around by collecting defaulted loans. The work environment is relatively bad. Promotion is still slow.
Advantages of Agrani Bank Limited : Similar to Janata Bank, but the working environment is a bit better. The workload is moderate.
Disadvantages: Promotion is still slow, incentive bonus is low.
Rupali Bank Limited Advantages: The work pressure is comparatively the lowest among the four state-owned banks. All other loans can be taken except computer loan. All other benefits are the same as in Sonali. The work environment is good enough. More branches in urban areas.
Disadvantages: Due to the large number of recruitments in the last year, future recruits will have to worry about promotion. There are rumors that this bank may or may not become private in the future.
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Facility: Promotion facility is the smoothest and fastest. Work stress is low. There are less incentive bonuses, car loans, house building loans.
Disadvantages: Bad working environment. Most of the branches are village centered. Candidates from Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions will get postings away from home.
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Benefits: Promotion facility is good. The workload is much less. There are no incentive bonuses, there are car loans, there are house building loans.
Disadvantages: Worst working environment. Most of the branches are village centered.
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
Advantages: As it is not a bank, the bank does not have to do simple and monotonous work here. Work environment First class.
Disadvantage: Promotion speed is slower than bank. Even if you work in a government job, you have to maintain time like a corporate job.
All Govt Owned Banks in Bangladesh: There are 6 state-owned commercial banks which are fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
Agrani Bank Limited
Bangladesh Development Bank
BASIC Bank Limited
Janata Bank Limited
Rupali Bank Limited
Sonali Bank Limited
3 specialized banks are now operating which were established for specific objectives like agricultural or industrial development. These banks are also fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Krishi Bank
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank
Probashi Kallyan Bank
Thanks for reading bank choice list for govt banks.